Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23, 2007

I took the boys to the park on Tuesday and they had a great time. They are really into climbing now and they like the slides. They especially enjoy swinging and I was getting tired of pushing them both by the time we left. I definitely need to start working out again. I am thinking about it:).

They continue to eat like there is no tomorrow. They are such good, healthy eaters. I am constantly amazed. They are also saying more and more words every day. Today I was teaching them about opposites, such as up and down, big and small, etc. I can tell that Nick is trying to figure out the big, smaller, smallest thing lately because he is very into trying to stack the stacking cups in the right order.


ChandraJoy said...

Sorry you have been a bit down. I know that can be a bum deal to get in "rut" sometimes. I'm glad you are going to be able to get your hair done!! YAY!! is a good site that gives you ideas on what they should be learning about for their ages.
I love you and I hope you start feeling better soon.

Lauri said...

Sorry your feeling a bit blue.. I went through a bout of " post adoption" type depression for a few months upon coming home... just all the changes. I still battle now & then with feelings of " am I a good enough Mom"? ... be gentle on yourself and take good care of yourself.

You certainly have alot on your plate with healing from being sick and your Mom & Grandma.

We all have good days & bad..

keeping you in my prayers


Anonymous said...

I don't think there is really a curriculum for this age, but the first things that kids usually learn are colors, shapes, and motor skills. I think you were already on track with the activities you were planning. Also, reading to them every day is important, and I'd add some musical activities into the mix (put on some music and either dancing together or playing simple instruments).

I wasn't sure what to do with them at this age, either, and I was lucky to find free community college parent/child classes in our area. Hmm, in the two year old class we sang simple songs (mostly the Moms sang), played outside with balls, trikes, and on the playground, did play-doh, puzzles, and painting, etc. She used a felt board sometimes along with the books and songs, and also for simple counting (up to 10).

Hope this helps.

Sue B

Tonya said...

check out "slow and steady get me ready". I've never used it or even looked at it, but it's for little ones.