Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17, 2007

Six months ago today, we were going to court. For some reason, this has made me very teary eyed this morning. I would never have guessed or began to understand that six months later we would be so very blessed. What a privilege God has given us....and a huge responsibility. I feel incredibly blessed.

Six months seems to be a big milestone for us. The boys seem much more attached than ever, which is to be expected I guess. In the past, when people came to visit and would get ready to leave, the boys would get upset and start crying, as if they thought we were leaving them or someone might take them. It was similar when we went to visit someone else's house, as if they were afraid they might be left behind.

Today, they happily wave and say "dye dye", or something like that. The fear is gone and they seem confident that they are with us for good. They are more comfortable with others and there is true joy when they are playing with our family and friends.

We had been staying with them again, in their class at church since they had been promoted to a new class, new teachers, new kids who are more at their level and able to put up a fight for a toy:). This past Sunday, we left them in their new class for the first time. Nick started to get a bit uneasy but one of the teachers picked him up and started working a puzzle with him. We kissed them both goodbye and told them we were going to our class but we would be back to get them later. Much to my surprise (shock), neither of them cried at all, the entire time we were gone! And, they did not cry when we came back to get them! Now I will be very surprised it that happens every Sunday, but I think it is a very good sign.

We still get lots of "are they twins" questions, when we are out and about. My niece, who stayed with us for a couple of days recently was surprised at how often the question comes up.  I proudly say, "no, we built our family through adoption and they are six weeks apart".

Our family is gel-ing. We are doing well. God has blessed us richly.

And I will sign off now and get busy with my day, as one of my sons is a bit upset that the three mega blocks he is trying to put together do not match up...two of them are large and one is small and he is upset that they are not all large:).


Lauri said...

Six months is a BIG deal... thats when our attachment really started to cement and also when our little lovley started to feel comfortable enough to push our buttons.

It sounds like your boys are doing so well and you have done so well too... Great Job

Melissa said...

I always get the twins question and my kids are 10 months apart. I should just start telling people they are. that way I dont have to explain. It is annoying already

kate said...

Happy half a year!

6blessings said...

Congratulations on reaching the 6 month mark. Believe me, it will be a year before you realize it! Have fun with your little blessings today.