Friday, June 01, 2007

June 1, 2007 - Wuv You

One day this week I was kissing the boys on their foreheads, while they were in their high chairs, and telling them "mommy loves you". They both started saying "wuv yu" back to me. It was so so sweet. 

This week, they have both also started initiating kisses, which just melts my heart. They are both such sweet little boys....when they aren't terrorizing the cats and each other:).


Lauri said...

I understand that Mommy guilt..I can really relate... but remember to be gentle on yourself... sometimes there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done.

Sometimes we have to show our children that we take the time to take care of ourselves as well.

Suz said...

Lea, I'm sorry I'm so late in reading this post!

You are truly a Mommy when you start having the Mommy guilt. I learned with D, that I HAD to rest when she rested or I would run out of patience with her. Being a Mommy takes a lot of energy out of you and YOU ARE A MOMMY TO TWO!

On the shot thing, our really smart Pediatrician told me to get up immediatly after the shot was given and physically move D away from the place where the "mean thing" happened. It really works wonders, the psychology of that. Again, though, I don't know how that would work with you having two!