We went to the aquarium today and bought a year membership for our whole family for $85. I thought that was pretty good, considering it would have cost around $35 for me and the boys to go one time. They had added a lot of stuff since I had last been there and they had some really fun things for kids. We pet some sting rays and small sharks, which was an interesting and fun experience. Very cool place where I am sure we will be visiting often, since it is pretty close to our house.
The dad comes back tomorrow and we are all looking forward to that very much. We have all missed him a lot. When we were saying prayers last night, I asked the boys what they wanted to pray for. N immediately said he wanted to pray for daddy to come home and then B said he wanted to pray for daddy to come home too. I'm glad I saved the aquarium visit until today because I think it took their minds off missing dad for a while and gave us something very fun to do to pass the time.
Actually, it is our evenings when we miss him the most, since he is normally at work during the days. Yesterday evening, after we had finished dinner and I had cleaned up, I hung out on the couch and let them both climb all over me for a while. They love doing that. I was lying down and they took turns lying down on top of me, face up. I would put their arms up high, near my head, and tell them to hold on so they wouldn't fall off the plane. When they had their arms up high and they were kind of holding on to my head, I would tickle them under their arms and on their sides. They would laugh so hard and start wiggling until they fell off onto the floor or, as they say, into the "man hole". They thought this was so funny and so we did this over and over again. Then we went upstairs to play for the last thirty minutes or so before bed. So we filled our evening pretty well and we all had lots of laughs.
Just one more evening and then most of tomorrow before the dad will be back and life will get back to normal. I think he said he would be home around dinner time tomorrow.
Here are a couple of pictures but I have a bunch more to load, which I will do sometime soon.
The first two pictures are of the boys playing ambulance.
Here is a picture of the boys preparing to help the dad blow out his birthday candles. Happy Birthday honey! Don't they all look like they are drooling over the cake?? They were:).
And these last two pictures are of N's birthday party. He wanted B to help him blow out his candles and open his gifts. It was very cute and nice, since N help B on B's birthday too.
Lea, I love you new background. Super cute. The pictures are great. They keep looking older in every new picture. I think you will have two very handsome boys when they grow up.
Just wanted to let you know you started something with the blog changing because I found your sight and loved it. I'm changing mine again. I think I might go with a Christmas Theme!!!
I'm glad N liked his card. I saw it and I just thought of all the books they read and all the pictures they see. I figured he would like it. I can't wait to see you too.
love the new look. i thought I was the only one still putting bibs on the kids. when will they ever eat without spilling on themselves? very cute halloween costumes.
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