Friday, February 02, 2007

February 2, 2007 - Allllll Aboard!

Nick and Ben are picking up English quickly!
They can both say "kitty" and "kitty cat". Nick repeats words we say a lot. He is quite the talker/babbler.  Ben babbles a lot during certain times of the day, but a lot of the time he is more quiet. Sometimes we think we heard him say a word but then he does not repeat it and, days later, you start wondering if he really said it.

My mom and sister were here the other day and Ben was playing with this little zoo-train-engine toy that says "Allllllll Aboard!".  It really sounded like Ben repeated it just like the train.  All three of us looked at each other in surprise. It was funny. I have yet to hear him say it again though. I think I have heard him say kitty and mama too. I know I have heard Nick say those words and I think he has also tried to say book.


Melissa said...

Hey do you think your Bible study class will mail me a casserole or two?

6blessings said...

A little sleep does wonders. Glad you got some. Sounds like you're working out a good schedule and some of the kinks are beginning to unfold. It also sounds like you've got a great helpmate!