The boys love to play outside and have discovered that it is more fun to play in the dirt next to the sandbox than in the sandbox itself.
They have trucks and tractors, spoons, forks and bowls and lots of other things in their dirt/mud pit these days.
Our new climbing dome is not far from the dirt/mud pit but it does not get the attention of the pit these days.
The boys are very into pretending and dressing up. They pretend they are going to work or to the store or where ever.
One day we were out for a walk and I was showing them the man hole covers. They like the Stop That Ball book by Dr. Seuss and there is a guy in a man hole in that book. Since that day a couple of months ago, I have heard about man holes umpteen times a day. They are always pretending to go into a man hole or come out of a man hole or what ever toy they happen to be playing with might be falling into a man hole, etc.
The other popular pretend thing is pretending there has been a crash and/or somebody is hurt and has to go to the hospital. I guess this is because we live a mile and a half from a hospital and we hear/see ambulances and fire trucks come by our house or we have to stop for them while driving home from somewhere a lot. It took quite an effort to get these bandages off of the bears. They stuck much better than I thought they would.
Here is Nick the cowboy.
Here is Ben wearing one of the dad's slippers. Nick had on the other one. I could not believe that Ben could actually pedal with this huge slipper on his foot but he did it.
And, we have also gone for ice cream a couple of times here and there.
When I was sick recently, I became tired of being cooped up so we went through the drive thru at the nearby ice cream place and the boys and I enjoyed a treat. It was just what we needed.
We have done some additional art projects too. Here are some cut and paste things we did one rainy day. I did the cutting and the boys did the pasting. They really enjoyed it.
And here are some additional birthday pics:
This first one is for you, Aunt D! All three guys loved what you sent.
A funny story about the microwave in the picture below. It was a gift for the boys from our close friends and it came with some little pretend food. A very small whole chicken was already in the microwave when we opened it. It was held in place by that plastic wrap that you almost need a crow bar to remove it. The boys were pretending to cook and when we asked them what they were cooking they said "a mouse". They thought the whole chicken was a mouse. We had a good laugh over that one. If you look closely at the picture of the boys and the microwave, you can see the chicken-mouse inside:).